-Aspects To note about the rules of the center:
Absences must be duly justified. Punctuality is important to promote school performance and work habits. If a student does not arrive on time, they will have+ to wait until the next session starts to avoid disturbing the operation of the class. When lack of punctuality and absences will be frequent, we will refer to the Rules of Organization and Operation of the Center (ROF).
When enrolling in our center, the school will provide parents/guardians with an email address for school use only. We will do all the communication (updates, excursions, notices, circulars, etc.) through this email account, so it is very important that we all implement the regular use of it. Internet connection at home will be needed. At the Secretariat, there is a a computer with Internet access so they parents can use it when needed.
–Students Pick-Up
Students may not leave the school by themselves without an authorization. Only parents or guardians (people known by teachers and management) are allowed to pick-up the students. If the parents/guardias wish to authorize others (grandparents, relatives, friends, assistants/carers …), they must bring an signed authorization and a copy of the identification card of the authorized person, and it must be handed at the Secretariat.
The teachers at the school are not allowed to give medication to students during school hours, except in cases of fever and when the parents can not come to pick them up at that time. The school offers a nursing service that will take care of the students when needed. To used this service, we will need a authorization signed by the family. We will always contact the family before administering any medication. In case of severe allergies, asthma, etc., the family will have to bring a medical report and the instructions to follow to take care of the student if needed.
–School website
The school has website: www.colegioelpinar.com, as well as an account on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, where we post updates, news events or activities carried out by our students and teachers. Therefore, is mandatory that all students are authorized to appear on these posts or in any campaign that the school considers necessary for its promotion. This authorization is required when registration is being processed.
When our students leave the school facilities, including during the programming of any of the areas we work, families will receive a form, via email, that must be filled in a time limit.
Otherwise, we will understand the the parents do not allow their child to participate in this activity and therefore the child will be excluded from participation. In addition to the form, families must sign an authorization, which is required when registration is processed.
The students can enter the school from 8.15am to 8.30am. Pupils in ‘infantil’ will enter through a separate door assigned to them, and the rest of the students will do through the main door.
Any notification concerning your child (for example, soft diets, care and attention, lost property, bus, pick-up authorization, etc.) should be given at the Secretariat, and all the messages will be transferred following our procedure of internal communication. Parents who need to pick up their children before the end of the classes, should notify it in advance, sending an e-mail to the Secretariat’ address or by phone, precising the person who will pick up and the causes of the early departure.